A full-scale solution ensures that all the right people have the financial metrics they need to make sound financial decisions. You’ll have increased customer satisfaction by ensuring that everyone has the information they need to effectively and quickly respond to inquiries, and resolve any complaints or disputes. 

Key for the industry, financial management software will boost your revenue by ensuring that all sales opportunities are captured, followed up on, and converted while also ensuring that the best possible prices are negotiated with your suppliers and relationships are optimally managed.

How ERP Solves Financial Services Pain Points


  • Consolidating Funds

    Consolidating funds across multiple entities is often a manual and time consuming process for accounting. Due to the rush against the clock to finish on time, this process is prone to human errors. With the right accounting software, get a fast close and real-time analytics for maximum impact on your financial firm’s performance.

  • Compliance

    In the financial sector, complying with regulations is extremely important. With constantly evolving compliance mandates and the need to keep customer’s data safe, financial service companies can struggle to keep up. Forget trying to manually keep track of everything and switch to an ERP that can automate processes and help you maintain compliance by incorporating the latest compliance strategies and auditing techniques.

  • Transparency and Visibility

    When finances are your main focus, transparency and visibility is a must. Financial service companies can struggle to enforce and ensure that every employee is following industry and company wide standards. An ERP can provide your financial services company with multi-dimensional reporting and data with real-time visibility.

  • Inefficient Data Entry and Reporting

    Standalone finance and accounting software offer basic reports, and leads to having many separate systems. Separate systems means manually re-inputting data from one system to another. Not only can an ERP offer more varied types of reports to help you manage your business more effectively, but integrating an ERP system can remove the time-consuming process of data entry.

The Benefits of ERP for Financial Services

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  • Real-Time Multi-Fund Consolidation

    Get an ERP that offers multi-fund consolidation across hundreds of entities in real-time. Drill down into your funds, assets and operating companies with both built-in & customer reports and analytics. With push-button consolidations, get fast close and real-time analytics for maximum impact on your company's performance.

  • Increased Efficiency

    All your financial service processes can be integrated into one Financial Management Software system for easy and fast access to all data needed across your company and departments. Daily tasks such as creating reports, data entry, consolidating etc., can be automated within an ERP system.

  • Easy-to-Use Dashboards

    A modern business management solution for financial services can be customizable to have dashboards that address the specific needs of your business. Have the flexibility to build additional dashboards to analyze your unique data and KPIs. Empower your CFO and CIO to become increasingly more data-driven, enabling you to move away from outdated reporting, continuous consolidation and real-time reporting.

  • Multi-Dimensional Visibility in General Ledger

    Having to consistently reformat your General Ledger to reflect the information you need can stand in the way of productivity. With a modern ERP, abandon old-fashioned account segments and utilize dimension values that capture your business context of transactions, operational measure and budgets. Easily add your unique dimensions to ensure your General Ledger reflects the way your business operates.

  • Reduced Operational Cost

    ERP systems can help your business save on operational costs and cut your budget. With your company’s processes being automated and easily monitored; breakdowns, bottlenecks or disruptions will be prevented or quickly eliminated! This gives your business the ability to address any occurring issues faster and much easier, saving you time and money.

  • Data Security

    Another important benefit of ERP systems is that they offer firewalls and security measures that lower risks of data breaches. Access points are easily monitored, security level increased and any suspicious or unauthorized activities can be alerted in the system. Using an ERP gives you more control while securing what’s important.

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