Once perceived as slow to adopt new technologies, the construction industry has begun rapidly embracing digital transformations in every aspect of operations. A key element in this evolution is the digital empowerment of field personnel with tools like Sage Field Operations integrated with Sage Intacct Construction

Increasingly, construction companies are recognizing the power of mobile devices to streamline operations, enhance field service, and ultimately drive profitability. Here, we’ve highlighted the top benefits of incorporating a modern field service operations solution like Sage Field Operations. We invite you to learn more about the application’s many features in this Sage Field Operations for Sage Intacct Construction whitepaper


The Mobility Imperative in Construction Field Service

Field service in construction is inherently mobile. Technicians are constantly on the move, navigating from one site to another. The traditional methods often rely on outdated software and cumbersome manual processes — significantly hindering efficiency. Technicians find themselves hamstrung by the lack of immediate access to vital information such as customer data, service histories, and equipment details. This disconnect not only impacts productivity but also strains the client-service provider relationship.


Bridging the Office-Field Gap with Mobile Technology

To navigate these challenges, forward-thinking construction firms are integrating mobile field service tools, such as Sage Field Operations. These tools effectively bridge the gap between field technicians, office staff, and clients, ensuring a seamless flow of information and a more cohesive operation.


Key Features and Benefits of Mobile Service Tools

  • Real-Time Access to Information
    Technicians can quickly retrieve work orders, service histories, and client data, eliminating service delays and repeat visits.
  • Enhanced On-Site Capabilities
    Field staff can use their devices to record service details, collaborate with colleagues, generate quotes, capture images, and even process payments on-site.
  • Improved Scheduling and Documentation
    Immediate access to schedules and essential documents enhances the overall service process.
  • Streamlined Communication
    Real-time updates and data entry facilitate better communication between field and office teams, reducing the need for redundant data entry and follow-ups.
  • Faster Order-to-Cash Cycle
    With technicians able to complete work orders and secure customers’ approval while they’re on site, you can generate invoices more quickly and keep the cash flowing.


The Impact on Efficiency and Customer Service

The adoption of mobile field service technology can result in a significant leap in operational efficiency. Using a solution like Sage Field Operations, field technicians effectively carry the office with them, ensuring that updates entered on a mobile device are instantly reflected in the construction accounting system. This synchronization means that back-office personnel have real-time visibility into operations, while technicians are better equipped to serve customers effectively.


The Timing for Tech Is Right

We mentioned that the construction industry is moving more quickly to embrace technology, but it still has a lot of ground to cover. A KPMG report found that only 16% of construction executives say their organizations have fully integrated available construction technology systems and tools, and just 6% have automated all or most of their business processes.

Labour shortages continue to plague the construction industry. In British Columbia, for example, 80% of the member companies of the British Columbia Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) reported experiencing labour shortages. Nearly one in four construction workers is over age 55, which means retirements are rapidly whittling away at the workforce. 

As baby boomers retire, construction companies must attract more Gen Z workers to compensate for the shortfall. This generation of workers is not only comfortable with mobile technology — they demand it. In fact, 70% of Gen Z employees would switch jobs for better tech. In short, today’s construction companies should seize every opportunity to modernize their field operations to attract and retain top personnel. 


Get Your Field Operations On Solid Ground

The construction industry’s digital transformation is not just about adopting technology for technology’s sake — it’s a strategic move towards more efficient, customer-focused service delivered by a knowledgeable, empowered workforce. By harnessing mobile technology applications like Sage Field Operations for Sage Intacct, construction companies can set new standards in customer service, satisfaction, and profitability. Contact The Answer Company’s construction industry experts for additional information, and don’t forget to download the Sage Field Operations for Sage Intacct Construction whitepaper.