What’s New with Sage X3 Version 9
In 2015 Sage X3 Version 8 was released, introducing service in the cloud to the United States and Canada. The availability of cloud modernized Sage X3, allowing customers to simplify software management and redistribute valuable IT resources while maintaining the solutions high level security and scalability. Earlier this year, Version 9 was released; here are the most important changes you’ll want to know about.
New Version and Change Control
The new Change Control and Version management function enable users to control changes and versions of manufactured products. With this enhanced functionality, changes to both the product and bill of material are completely traceable. Rest assured that only authorized users have the ability to make changes.
In many industries, such as food and beverage manufacturing, it is essential to understand what the impact of changes made to a product will be. Use versioning to manage changes on a product and the bill of material (BOM). While maintaining traceability throughout the process, version 9 functionalities allow changes to be made to products, the impact of the changes to be reviewed and once reviewed, sent out for approval.
Enhancements for Logistics
In Logistics, you can now use Sage X3 to optimize freight costs by ordering based on container capacity or purchasing based on order costs. For example, order additional items to take full advantage of free freight or use Sage X3 to ensure you are adhering to minimum or maximum order amounts. You can also use secure and universal EDI formats for Sales and Purchases events.
Mobile Access
This version brings a new mobile app that is optimized for accessing, tracking and managing physical assets. Specifically built for iPads but available for all iOS devices, the Sage ERP X3 Sales app can be downloaded in the Apple Store. Having access on mobile devices gives users the flexibility to tap into their resources when and where they need it, without being chained to a workstation. The app is equipped with a modernized user interface, making it easier to use and giving users more personalization options.
With the ever expanding functionality available in Sage X3, our customers are empowered to add the sophistication that their growing businesses need.
Sage X3 is flexible and scalable, proving to be an indispensable tool for streamlining processes, improving traceability and saving money. Version 9 maximizes the usability of X3 and the positive impact it has on your business. Darren Redies, Director of Pre-Sales and Solution Design at The Answer Company explains that, “With the ever expanding functionality available in Sage X3, our customers are empowered to add the sophistication that their growing businesses need”.
The features and improvements outlined here are only a key handful of a much longer list. If you have questions about the latest release of Sage X3 or are considering upgrading your system contact The Answer Company at info@theanswerco.com